The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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Text File
535 lines
Uptaded to: v1.00
v1.00 only runs on 68000 machines -> not compitable with Falcon or TT (yet).
/// // // // // ////// // \\\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\ \\\ \\
// // // // // // // // \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
// // // // // // // \\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\ \\ \\ \\
// // ///// //// // // \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\ \\ \\\
Multi Shen is an accessory which will record everything send
to either printer/rs232/midi/console/vid console/keyboard ,and revert
to another device. Not only that everything can be 'recorded' into the
memory buffer or reverted to printer direct. If recorded everything
can be replayed as many times as you wish ,as a backgroung task if
If you like Multi Shen then please register with us ,see the end of
this file for more information.
However if you don't don't like it then the only thing we beg you to
do is not to use Multi Shen _at_all_. That means that you should
delete ALL the copies of Multi Shen you have ,or give them to someone
else ,but you shouldn't keep any copies of it (PD libraries and BBSs
excluded). If you still keep a copy of this program after using it
_once_ then please be honest ,regiester!
Since Multi Shen is an accessory simply copy MLT_SHEN.ACC and
MLT_SHEN.RSC (MLT_SHEN.INF ,the configuration file may or may not
exsist at start) to the root directory of a disk/hard drive and reset
your ST. MLT_SHEN.ACC may also be loaded up in The Chameleon ,DC
Stuffer or MultiDesk.
The first time Multi Shen is called an info dialog-box will
appear ,read it and click on OK. Now the main dialog-box will appear.
Multi Shen works in the way that the user ,in the top of the
main dialog-box selects a device (printer ,rs232 ,midi ,keyboard
console or vid console) which will be recorded/reverted from. Only one
device is selectable at once.Let's assume that you want to record
everything sent to the printer then selct Printer in the Catch From
- the console is the same as the screen ,vid console is screen in
transparent format (all ASCII codes can be displayed ,special
characters ,like CR ,LF etc have _no_ effect ) -
Next comes the reverting device. It's best demonstrated as an
example : if you had selected Printer as the Catch From device and
selct Console here then everything sent to the printer will be
displayed on the console! If you for example had selected Console as
the Catch From device and select Printer as the reverting device then
everything sent to the console(screeen) will also be printed on the
In addion you can also select Memory Buffer and Printer Direct
as reverting devices. Memory buffer will say that the reverting will
go to memory ,everything will be recored (copied) in the memory.
Printer Direct is the same as Printer but Multi Shen will use it's own
routines to access the printer. It's _much_ better to selct Printer
Direct then Printer.
Also output to normal port : Here you can select between Yes
or No ,simple! This is rather self-explainery. Example : If you have
selcted Printer as the Catch-From device and Printer Direct as the
revert to device ( well ,it may give faster output on printers ) then
selcting Yes will mean that each character will be printed twice on
the printer. The first time using Printer Direct and the second time
using the normal Printer routines. Select No and only Printer Direct
will be used.
If you had selected Printer as the Catch From device, Memory
Buffer as Revert to device and select Yes on also outut to normal port
(Printer|Memory Buffer|Yes) then a copy of everything sent to the
printer will be made in the memory buffer. The printer will also work.
However select (Printer|Memory Buffer|No) and the printer will not
work and only a copy will be made in memory.
The method to write is:
(Printer|Memory Buffer|No)
| | |
| | |
| | \-> Also output to normal device
| |
| \-> Revert To Device
\-> Catch From device
Now you may have selected the settings ,but Multi Shen will
still not work ,yet. On the right side you can see two icons with
Revert/Record and Stop. Click on Revert/Record icon and Multi Shen
will start the recording/reverting. Always remember to click on Stop
in the end or Multi Shen will continue to do it's work.
Equally don't forget to click on Revert/record otherwise
nothing will happen.
Memory Buffer
On the bottom you will see settings about the memory buffer
used for recording. The buffer is an area used by Multi Shen to store
the data caught from a device (say the printer). You can write a new
buffer size (in kilobytes) in the New buf. size area and thereupon
click on Set New Buffer to set the new buffer size. At default the
buffer is 45K ,but can be set to any length from 0K (no buffer at all)
to 9999K (memory permitting). In the Memory Buffer above you will see
the current buffer size. Writing alone a new buffer size will do
nothing ,you must always click on Set New Buffer after that.
In the Reocrded box it will be displayed how many kilobytees
have been recorded in the memory. If you are not reverting to memory
then of course it should display 0K. Although this buffer size is also
displayed in kilobytes ,but even if 1 byte has been recorded it can be
saved (even though 0K recorded will be displayed).
Clicking on Clear Buffer will clear the buffer (0K recorded).
Saving the buffer is done by clicking on Save Buffer (the Disk
icon). The file selector will pop-up ,select a file or write a name
(the .PRN extension is recommended for printer data) and click on OK.
If nothing has been recorded then an alert-box will come up displaying
that nothing has been recorded and hence nothing can be saved. Multi
shen will only save the data recored ,not the whole buffer. If the
buffer size is 100K and 1K was recorded in memory then of course only
1K will be saved.
Always select the largest buffer size you possibly can. If the
buffer becomes full then you'll see that the top left-corner of the
screen will blink slowly ,depending on how fast the data is coming.
This data is _not_ recorded by Multi Shen.
Clicking on Info will display the Info box.
Clicking on Save CFG will save the configuration in
MLT_SHEN.INF. Every setting from both the Replay and the Main menu
will be stored ,however no file will automatically be loaded (in the
Replay menu) and the Stop button in the main menu will be active (no
reverting/recording will take place).
This file will automatically be loaded at start-up ,if it is
in the root-directory (in the same place as MLT_SHEN.RSC).
Shut Down
Multi shen uses various interrupts of the ST ,and if you want
to change resolutions or unload Multi Shen from the memory then you
must first select Shut Down. If you don't Shut Down and unload Multi
Shen or change resolutions then your machine will most likely a
experience a little crash.
If you Shut Down then you can still however Reinstall Multi
Shen ,select Reinstall from the alert-box which will appear instead of
the main dialog-box.
/ Replaying \
This is a very importatnt part of Multi Shen ,but still works
completely independely of the main Multi Shen. Click on Replay Menu
from the main dialog-box and the Replay Menu will come up. The fi